Phonemes can be any character that is not whitespace or a semicolon
Using a category in a category: C = $A $B raw $D ...
Category reference loops are not allowed (e.g. C = p t $K; K = a b $C, V = a e $V o u, etc).
Syllable definition: syllable: components...
Using categories in syllables: syllable: $C $V $N
Grouping components: syllable: {group}{$C$V}{}
Optional: syllable: (s)$C$V(n) Defaults to a 50% chance of appearing.
Selection: syllable: [$P,$F]r$V
Optional with weight: syllable: ($C)*5$V
Selection with weight: syllable: [$P,$F*3,{$K$L}*1]r$V
Named Components
Named component definition: component: name = syllableComponents...
You can use any valid syllable component as a named component.
Use a name component by using a percent sign before the name: %name
Named components can be used anywhere a syllable component can be used.
Named component reference loops are not allowed. For example: component: a = a %b; component: b = %a b (two components
referencing each other),
component: name = %name $C (component referencing itself).
Weighting Rules
Weights mark how often a component or phoneme can appear.
Weights are positive integers.
Weights can be applied to phonemes, optionals, or elements in a selection.
Phoneme weights are placed after the phoneme: C = p*1 t*3 k
Manually-marked weights on phonemes are carried over into any categories using that phoneme (i.e. P = p*4 k; C = $P t will
have phoneme p have weight 4 in all categories).
Weighted optionals define what chance for that optional to appear (i.e. a weight of 33 means that it will appear ~33% of the time, 1
means 1%, etc).
Selection elements and phonemes without weights are defaulted to 1.
Can reject a word based on category or phoneme
After reject: , place any series of components: reject: $C$V
You can have multiple reject: directives on multiple lines
Separate multiple rejects on the same line with vertical bar |, surrounding each with curly brackets:
reject: $C$V|$V$V
Checking for components at the start and end of words is possible: reject: ^start|end&
Have a line with letters: to define a sort order for your words.
Each "letter" can have multiple characters.
Only the last letters: directive will be applied.
v1.3: Add examples.
v1.2: Allow any non-raw-ending symbol as a phoneme.
v1.1.1: Fix named components having choice count of 0.
v1.1.0: Add named components.
v1.0.0: Go rewrite release. Word, sentence gen; rejections; sorting; syllable marking, etc.